In our unending quest to preserve cedar as best as we can, we now offer “Eco-Strips”.
Not all our boards are completely free and clear of knots all the time and we feel it unethical to discriminate, rejecting these beautiful planks. If an exceptional board has only one knot, we will scarf cut out the knot and then simply rejoin the board back together with waterproof glue exactly as it was to obtain exceptional colour matching for strips to be manufactured from. These full length re-lived boards now provide full length colour matched strips. The inherant beauty of this process is that the grain in the wood on either side of the discarded knot match up perfectly. What more can you ask for?
“Eco Strips” are considerably stronger than a finger join with no loss in bending qualities as well as providing exceptional colour matching. The real beauty of “Eco Strips” is that there is only one join per strip versus multiple joins with strips manufactured from mass produced finger jointed stock using only regular glue. Read on and see below.
Look closely as you will strain to see the scarf line. Once milled into strips only a slight vertical line appearing as a butt join will remain without having to butt strips with an exceptionally strong scarf join. The very best of both worlds. We’ve just done the work for you. Oh did we forget to mention the price? At only 55 CENTS per foot!, sleep well knowing you are helping to reduce our collective demand on our remaining cedar forests being part of the solution rather than the problem.
No butts about it!. A simple and elegant way to economize on your project.
Skeptical? Ask yourself this question. If I have decided to butt shorter strips on my hull, why would I not accept “Eco Stok” or “Talon Grip” strips which can be pre assembled and applied full length without staples.
Why settle for strips manufactured from finger jointed stock from leftovers with zig-zags and poor grain as well as mismatched colour.
Need we say more.
“Eco- Strips” are available in full kit quantities but are some what limited in higher volume since it is dependent upon the cedar we obtain which varies from hunt to hunt. They are also available in any size for any project.